Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Beer Review: Dark Horse - Artic Dekoorc Eert

Dark Horse Brewing Co.
Artic Dekoorc Eert
American IPA
6.5% ABV

Appearance: Pours a glowing hazy orange with three fingers of off-white foam.

Smell: Orange marmalade, tangerine, grapefruit, pine, and a bit of earthy spiciness.

Taste: Orange and grapefruit rind, piney, nutty, and earthy spice. Nicely balanced with the perfect amount of bitterness.

Mouthfeel: Light to medium bodied, crisp and dry.

Overall, this is a great IPA from a brewery that I'm happily starting to see a lot more of lately here in Illinois. Part of their single hop Crooked Tree series, this particular one spotlights the highly popular Citra hop. While I feel Citra is a bit overplayed in the current market, it is a really solid hop varietal and in the hands of a good brewery can yield great results. Such is the case with Artic Dekoorc Eert (Citra Crooked Tree spelled backwards, in case you hadn't already figured that out). It's flavorful, balanced, and easy to drink at a perfect 6.5% ABV. It's not quite as remarkable as Zombie Dust (also about 6.5% and brewed with Citra) but
all comparisons aside, it's a fantastic beer that can hold it's own
against the best IPAs out there. Cheers to Dark Horse.

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