Sunday, June 9, 2013

Beer Review: Lakefront - 25th Anniversary Imperial Stout

Lakefront Brewery
25th Anniversary Imperial Stout
Imperial Stout
10% ABV

Appearance: Pours a black-brown with reddish highlights and over three fingers of bubbly tan foam that sticks to the sides of the glass. A beautiful looking stout.

Smell: Semi-tart cherries, coffee, oak, vanilla, and dark chocolate.

Taste: Follows the nose almost exactly with lots of semi-tart cherries, coffee, oak, roasted malt, and cocoa powder. Absolutely no alcohol present in the flavor, even after it warms up substantially.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, creamy and smooth, with a nice tart bite that mellows out as the beer warms.

Overall, this is a really enjoyable and unique imperial stout. The addition of cocoa nibs, vanilla beans, and pureed cherries were quite interesting and added a nice complexity to the aroma and taste. I loved that this was strong and flavorful but also very easy to drink with no heat whatsoever from the 10% ABV. With their 25th Anniversary Imperial Stout Lakefront offers us an impressive, expertly crafted, and affordable brew that I would not hesitate to purchase again. Well done!
4.5 out of 5

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