Friday, March 1, 2013

Beer Review: Pipeworks - Reliquary

Pipeworks Brewing Co.
Belgian Double IPA

9% ABV

Appearance: Pours a slightly hazy deep orange with two fingers of creamy off white foam.

Smell: Fruity esters, Belgian yeast, a slight "barnyard" funk, and a whiff of soap.

Taste: The taste follows the nose with some pine, nuttiness, and a touch of lemon rounding out the flavor.

Mouthfeel: Smooth, slightly creamy, yet crisp and well carbonated. No noticeable alcohol.

Overall, this was a pretty nice Belgo-American double IPA. It looked great in the glass, had a complex and interesting aroma and taste, and went down relatively smooth for 9%. Another solid beer from Chicago's new darling, Pipeworks Brewing.
4 out of 5

1 comment:

  1. Just cracked open my own bottle from batch 77. Very nice beer. Big grapefruit flavor. Hoppy bitterness balanced very well with a smooth sweetness. Definitely getting this one again.
